FanThreeSixty offers clients the opportunity to integrate data from any ticketing vendor into the Fan Data Platform using a variety of data integration pipelines, as outlined below.
FlexPath Ticketing
Data Availability
To utilize the vendor-agnostic ticketing integration pipeline, clients are responsible for ensuring data is made available to FanThreesixty via secure means.
Options include:
Automated file drops to Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)†
S3 file drops are the fastest and lowest cost option if your organization can support this capability. FanThreeSixty will provide credentials and an S3 file repository link to access an S3 location specific to your organization and file type (e.g. ticketing). You may publish files to this repository via automated service (manual file drops are not supported).
If SFTP is selected, FanThreeSixty will provide you with connection details including url, port, and home directory information as well as a username and password. You may publish files to this repository.
If data files are not available via either S3 file drop or SFTP transfer, but an API is available, speak with your Client Success representative to discuss pricing and strategy for this approach.
If none of these are a capability of your ticketing provider, the FlexPath integration may not be an option for your implementation. Speak with your Client Success representative to discuss a strategy.
Historical Data Load
Clients may provide up to three years of activity data and all active customers. Using the file format defined below, these files may be batched in monthly or yearly files.
Incremental Data Load
Clients may provide ongoing, incremental data files that represent activity (e.g. all purchases and returns in the 24 hours). Incremental data files will be processed up to once daily into the Fan Data Platform.
File Requirements
Data must be provided in a character-delimited flat file (e.g. file type of .CSV
) that meets the file specification outlined here. The following fields are supported in the file structure. Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*). Additional, unusable columns should be minimized to optimize file processing.
Sample File
Ticketing Account ID *
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone Number
Address Components:
Note: only US addresses are supportedCity
Postal Code
Transaction DateTime * (UTC or Timezone Offset)
Action Type *
Order Number *
Seat Unique ID *
Venue Name
Event Name *
Event DateTime * (UTC or Timezone Offset)
Ticketmaster, SeatGeek, Paciolan, Tickets.com
If your organization utilizes any of these ticketing providers, we have a custom data integration pipeline built to support them. Each vendor provides a custom route for FanThreeSixty to retrieve data and process into your org’s Fan Data Platform. Speak with your Client Success representative to initiate this process.
Full Custom Integration
If your organization uses a ticketing provider other than Ticketmaster, SeatGeek, Paciolan, or Tickets.com, and is not a candidate for the FlexPath Integration pipeline, a custom route may be needed. This approach is the most time- and resource- intensive approach, therefore it is imperative that you discuss cost and timeline with your Client Success representative before pursuing this approach.
NOTE: Items marked with a † symbol may encounter additional fees and/or require technical consulting hours.